Dampak Negatif Dari WIFI (Wireless Fidelity)
Dampak Negatif Dari WIFI (Wireless Fidelity) - Wi-Fi (wireless fidelity), lebih dikenal sebagai jaringan lokal nirkabel semakin populer, terutama di negara maju dan negara berkembang. Dengan wi-fi orang bisa pergi ke Internet tanpa kerumitan menghubungkan kabel dari komputer Anda ke saluran telepon.
Di balik kemudahan yang ditawarkan wi-fi, ada beberapa yang berpikir kepercayaan publik wi-fi berdampak negatif terhadap kesehatan. Mereka yang tidak setuju dengan kehadiran wi-fi beralasan radiasi elektro magnetik dari wi-fi bisa menyebabkan nyeri di kepala, gangguan tidur dan mual, terutama bagi mereka yang elektro sensitif. Tapi benarkah wi-fi berbahaya bagi kesehatan?
Takut efek buruk pada kesehatan wi-fi dimentahkan ilmuwan Inggris. Seperti yang diungkapkan Sir William Stewart, ketua Health Protection Agency, mengatakan kepada BBC Panorama Program, tidak ada yang perlu dikhawatirkan dengan teknologi wi-fi. Tidak ada bukti yang pasti yang mengatakan, perangkat seperti ponsel dan wi-fi menyebabkan kesehatan terganggu.
Hal yang sama juga diungkapkan Professor Lawrie Challis, dari Nottingham University. Dalam pernyataannya kepada BBC, Profesor Challis, yang menjabat sebagai ketua Mobile Telecommunications dan Health Research (MTHR) berkata: "radiasi elektro-magnetik dari Wi-fi sangat kecil, rendah daya pemancar juga, tapi masih ada jarak untuk tubuh.
"Bisa saja radiasi elektro-magnetik sangat dekat dengan tubuh, ketika kita asumsikan laptop, tetapi dalam pengamatan saya setiap orang tua akan meminta anak-anak mereka untuk tidak terlalu sering menggunakan ponsel mereka dan selalu meminta mereka untuk menaruh laptop di atas meja, bukan di nya pangkuan, jika mereka surfing terlalu lama. "
Untuk mendukung pernyataan ini, tim Panorama BBC mengunjungi sebuah sekolah di Norwich, yang memiliki seribu siswa, dan mencoba membandingkan tingkat radiasi dari ponsel dan penggunaan wi-fi di dalam kelas. Hasilnya menunjukkan radiasi wi-fi di ruang kelas tiga kali lebih besar dari jet dikeluarkan ponsel.
Namun ahli kesehatan psikologis Profesor Malcolm Sperrin mengatakan sinyal wi-fi lebih dari tiga kali radiasi ponsel di sekolah adalah tidak relevan, karena belum ditemukan pengaruhnya terhadap kesehatan.
"Wi-fi adalah teknologi yang menggunakan gelombang radio, elektro magnetik rendah, yang sebanding dengan oven microwave, bahkan 100 ribu kali lebih rendah dari microwave."
Jenis radiasi yang dipancarkan gelombang radio (wi-fi), microwave, dan ponsel telah menunjukkan peningkatan tingkat temperatur jaringan yang sangat tinggi, yang disebut interaksi termal, tapi masih belum ada bukti bahwa tingkat kerusakan menyebabkan.
Health Protection Agency mengatakan bahwa duduk di sebuah ruangan yang memiliki hotspot selama setahun sebanding dengan gelombang radio yang dipancarkan selama percakapan dengan telepon selama dua puluh menit.
"Gelombang radio telah menjadi bagian dari kehidupan kita selama hampir seabad atau lebih, tetapi jika ada gangguan signifikan terhadap kesehatan, harus ada penelitian yang akan mencatatnya, dan selama ini berbagai studi masih belum menemukan bukti transmisi wi kesehatan -fi.
Hal yang sama juga didukung oleh Professor Will J Stewart, rekan dari Royal Academy of Engineering, yang mengatakan: "ilmu pengetahuan telah mempelajari pengaruh ponsel bagi kesehatan selama bertahun-tahun dan kekhawatiran tentang dampak radiasi ponsel masih sangat kecil .
"Begitu juga dengan wi-fi, jika digunakan dalam batas yang wajar tidak akan ada efek pada kesehatan dalam waktu yang lama Tapi itu tidak berarti bahwa semua radiasi elektro-magnetik yang tidak berbahaya, seperti sinar matahari terbukti menyebabkan kanker kulit., jadi jika Anda menggunakan laptop saat berjemur di pantai, ada baiknya untuk mencari tempat teduh, "tambah Sperrin yang mengatakan bahwa sampai sekarang masih belum ada bukti yang cukup berarti dampak negatif wi-fi.
Tapi Sperrin lebih khawatir bukan pada gelombang wi-fi, tetapi perilaku dalam penggunaan laptop, dan panas yang dihasilkan laptop pada beberapa bagian sensitif dari tubuh, yang mempengaruhi kesehatan.
Selasa, 04 Januari 2011
punya w
example explanation text language
Negative Impacts Of WIFI (Wireless Fidelity)
Negative Impacts Of WIFI (Wireless Fidelity) - Wi-Fi (wireless fidelity), better known as wireless local networks increasingly popular, especially in developed countries and developing countries. With wi-fi people can go to the Internet without the hassle of connecting the cable from your computer to a phone line.
Behind the convenience offered wi-fi, there are some who think public confidence wi-fi have a negative impact on health. Those who do not agree with the presence of wi-fi reasoned electro magnetic radiation from wi-fi can cause pain in the head, sleep disturbances and nausea, especially for those who electro sensitive. But was it wi-fi health hazard?
Fear of adverse effects on health wi-fi is countered British scientists. As disclosed Sir William Stewart, chairman of the Health Protection Agency, told the BBC Panorama Programme, there's nothing to worry about with wi-fi technology. There was no definite evidence that says, devices such as mobile phones and wi-fi cause impaired health.
The same thing also disclosed Professor Lawrie Challis, of Nottingham University. In his statement to the BBC, Professor Challis, who served as chairman of Mobile Telecommunications and Health Research (MTHR) said: "electro-magnetic radiation from Wi-fi is very small, low-power transmitter too, but it is still some distance to the body.
"It could be electro-magnetic radiation is very close to the body, when we assume the laptop, but in my observation every parent will ask their children not to overuse their phones and always asked them to put the laptop on the table, not in his lap, if they surf too long. "
To support this statement, the BBC Panorama team visited a school in Norwich, who has a thousand students, and try to compare the levels of radiation from mobile phones and the use of wi-fi in the classroom. The results show wi-fi radiation in a classroom three times larger than the jet issued cell phone.
But the psychological health expert Professor Malcolm Sperrin told wi-fi signal greater than three times the radiation of mobile phones in a school is not relevant, because it has not found its influence on health.
"Wi-fi is a technology that uses radio waves, electro magnetic low, which is comparable to a microwave oven, even 100 thousand times lower than the microwave."
This type of radiation emitted radio waves (wi-fi), microwaves, and phones have shown increased levels of tissue temperature is very high, which is called a thermal interaction, but there is still no evidence that level cause damage.
Health Protection Agency says sitting in a room that has a hotspot for a year comparable to the radio waves emitted during a conversation with the phone for twenty minutes.
"Radio waves have become part of our lives for nearly a century or more, but if there is a significant disruption to health, there must be studies that will record it, and during these various studies still have not found evidence of transmission to health wi-fi.
The same thing also supported by Professor Will J Stewart, fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, who said: "Knowledge science have studied the influence of mobile phones for health for many years and concerns about the impact of mobile phone radiation is still very small.
"So also with the wi-fi, if used within reasonable limits there would be no effect on health in a long time. But that does not mean that all electro-magnetic radiation is not dangerous, such as sunlight proven to cause skin cancer, so if you use a laptop while sunbathing on the beach, it's good to find a shady place, "added Sperrin who said that until now there is still no sufficient evidence mean negative impact of wi-fi.
But more worried Sperrin not on wi-fi wave, but the behavior in the use of laptops, and laptop heat generated in some sensitive parts of the body, which affect health.
Negative Impacts Of WIFI (Wireless Fidelity)
Negative Impacts Of WIFI (Wireless Fidelity) - Wi-Fi (wireless fidelity), better known as wireless local networks increasingly popular, especially in developed countries and developing countries. With wi-fi people can go to the Internet without the hassle of connecting the cable from your computer to a phone line.
Behind the convenience offered wi-fi, there are some who think public confidence wi-fi have a negative impact on health. Those who do not agree with the presence of wi-fi reasoned electro magnetic radiation from wi-fi can cause pain in the head, sleep disturbances and nausea, especially for those who electro sensitive. But was it wi-fi health hazard?
Fear of adverse effects on health wi-fi is countered British scientists. As disclosed Sir William Stewart, chairman of the Health Protection Agency, told the BBC Panorama Programme, there's nothing to worry about with wi-fi technology. There was no definite evidence that says, devices such as mobile phones and wi-fi cause impaired health.
The same thing also disclosed Professor Lawrie Challis, of Nottingham University. In his statement to the BBC, Professor Challis, who served as chairman of Mobile Telecommunications and Health Research (MTHR) said: "electro-magnetic radiation from Wi-fi is very small, low-power transmitter too, but it is still some distance to the body.
"It could be electro-magnetic radiation is very close to the body, when we assume the laptop, but in my observation every parent will ask their children not to overuse their phones and always asked them to put the laptop on the table, not in his lap, if they surf too long. "
To support this statement, the BBC Panorama team visited a school in Norwich, who has a thousand students, and try to compare the levels of radiation from mobile phones and the use of wi-fi in the classroom. The results show wi-fi radiation in a classroom three times larger than the jet issued cell phone.
But the psychological health expert Professor Malcolm Sperrin told wi-fi signal greater than three times the radiation of mobile phones in a school is not relevant, because it has not found its influence on health.
"Wi-fi is a technology that uses radio waves, electro magnetic low, which is comparable to a microwave oven, even 100 thousand times lower than the microwave."
This type of radiation emitted radio waves (wi-fi), microwaves, and phones have shown increased levels of tissue temperature is very high, which is called a thermal interaction, but there is still no evidence that level cause damage.
Health Protection Agency says sitting in a room that has a hotspot for a year comparable to the radio waves emitted during a conversation with the phone for twenty minutes.
"Radio waves have become part of our lives for nearly a century or more, but if there is a significant disruption to health, there must be studies that will record it, and during these various studies still have not found evidence of transmission to health wi-fi.
The same thing also supported by Professor Will J Stewart, fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, who said: "Knowledge science have studied the influence of mobile phones for health for many years and concerns about the impact of mobile phone radiation is still very small.
"So also with the wi-fi, if used within reasonable limits there would be no effect on health in a long time. But that does not mean that all electro-magnetic radiation is not dangerous, such as sunlight proven to cause skin cancer, so if you use a laptop while sunbathing on the beach, it's good to find a shady place, "added Sperrin who said that until now there is still no sufficient evidence mean negative impact of wi-fi.
But more worried Sperrin not on wi-fi wave, but the behavior in the use of laptops, and laptop heat generated in some sensitive parts of the body, which affect health.
anekdot teks
Class Absence
In grade 1 there is an elementary school were absent class ...
Teacher: "Nana Yuliani!"
Nana: "I am, Mom!"
Teacher: "David Hutagalung!"
David: "I am, Mom!"
Teacher: "Tono Surtono M!"
Tono: "I am, Mom!"
Teacher: "Tono, please here for a while ..."
Tono: "Why, the teacher?"
Teacher: "I rather you do not like the same name. If it Tono, do not use Surtono again. It makes weird. Bilangin it to your father, yes!? "
Tono: "Yes, ma'am!"
Teacher: "By the way, it's M stands for what?"
Tono: "Martono, Mom!"
Teacher: &$#^$*^@*#$*!(&**@##
In grade 1 there is an elementary school were absent class ...
Teacher: "Nana Yuliani!"
Nana: "I am, Mom!"
Teacher: "David Hutagalung!"
David: "I am, Mom!"
Teacher: "Tono Surtono M!"
Tono: "I am, Mom!"
Teacher: "Tono, please here for a while ..."
Tono: "Why, the teacher?"
Teacher: "I rather you do not like the same name. If it Tono, do not use Surtono again. It makes weird. Bilangin it to your father, yes!? "
Tono: "Yes, ma'am!"
Teacher: "By the way, it's M stands for what?"
Tono: "Martono, Mom!"
Teacher: &$#^$*^@*#$*!(&**@##
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